Reiki: from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

What is it?
Often referred to as acupuncture without needles, Reiki is a complementary health approach using the placement of hands on or just above different areas of the body. Reiki restores the optimum flow of energy around the chakras and our energetic body, leading to the healing of various ailments, mental and spiritual blockages for the highest good of the receiver.

Do I receive energy from the practitioner?
You do not receive the energy of the practitioner. She acts as a clear channel for life force energy to move through her to you. Think of it in terms of electricity, metal is a good conductor and allows electricity to move through from the point of origin to the receptor. In reiki, the practitioner is a "good conductor".

What happens in a session?
You arrive to a cup of tea and clarify your intention for the session. Then you move to the reiki room where you lie down comfortably on a massage bed and relax. The practitioner will lead you into a small Mediation and then begin the healing. Symbols are placed at energy points as needed and you may or may not feel some tingling, warmth, some emotions, some images may arise. In the sessions with Alexia a range of modalities is used so you will hear the sounds of a 7 metal tibetan bowl and chimes. Crystal pendulums may also be used and sage, to assist in the cord cutting and energy field clearing. This is what happens on a practical level. What happens energetically is completely Individual. Some people have visions, others have sensations, some people may cry or laugh, some have stopped the session all together due to its intensity. Some have fallen asleep. We end with a debrief session where you share your experience if you like, and I communicate what has come up during the session including anything from ancestors or guides that have made themselves known. You draw an oracle card as your finishing guidance.

Does it work?
Energy flows whether you feel it or not. Studies have shown significant improvement in a number of conditions, such as arthritis, sleep disorders, help with fertility, depression and anxiety amongst others.

Alexia Berta is a Level 3B Reiki Master.
Assisting you with the integration of all light at this pivotal moment in the evolution of human consciousness, are the lightworkers that have been preparing and actively anchoring in the new frequencies. You are ready to receive these codes now, otherwise you would not have seen this message. We all receive guidance from the universal force around us and we have the choice: to act upon or to stand still
I work with the highest frequency of love and light, the codes of our Goddess Aphrodite as well as the music and light giver Apollo. In a session you will receive universal life force energy healing so pure, that your entire being will change. Your current life will upgrade effortlessly into the version of yourself that remembers your mission, purpose and power.

How long does a session and much does it cost?
It is advisable to come for the "Full Reiki" 120' min duration, 88 Euros, the first time. After your 1st session you can choose the "Mini" 70 euro, which is 60' min duration.